Thursday, January 05, 2006

Shopping maul

I've been using this nasal spray so much lately that I'm starting to wonder if I'm dissolving vital brain cells every time I use it. Unfortunately, I threw away the box it came in, so I have no idea how often I should be snorting the stuff to begin with. I'm guessing the "every hour on the hour" method was probably excessive, but it's entirely possible I should only use it once a day and doing more than that is liquifying my cerebellum. Fantastic.

In other news, I'm wearing my tshirt that states "I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter" today. I feel so punk...and also a little bit like one of those old ladies who wears clothes from the junior's department in a sad, pitiful attempt to hold on to her youthfulness. I remember one time in South Carolina (in a Belk's, I believe) I saw a woman who looked to be about 40 trying on this pair of skin-tight, leopard print jeans. And I remember thinking "Oh, that is not a good idea at all." A 16-year-old could have worn those jeans and looked hip and eccentric, but on a woman that age, they just looked like part of a hooker uniform. Why is that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So my sister bought me a purse with a pug on it (did I tell everyone that I own a pug now?) and its very cute and very fun, but I do wonder... am I THAT lady??

2:33 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

You are definitely not THAT lady! A pug purse is adorable! Plus, you're young and cute, and you can get away with that. Now, if you were 68 and wore hats with fruit on them, it would be a different matter.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, sometimes I have to convince myself that I am still young b/c I work with such young people... Some days I just feel old because I was born before 1980...

4:28 PM  

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