Moving buddies: if you don't have one, get one!
The other night, we were all in Lil J's room getting him ready for bed, and I was telling J how I'd gotten one of those excruciating leg cramps the previous night. So J told me that if that happens again, I should wake him up and get him to rub the cramp out of my leg, to which I replied "No, I don't want to wake you up in the middle of the night all urgently like that." And he said "Oh, I get it. You're afraid that if you wake me up that way, I'll hop out of bed, yell 'Aliens!' and jump out the window." And, people, once I had that mental image in my head, it took me about half an hour to stop laughing. Seriously, I haven't had a case of uncontrollable giggles like that in a while. Not only does the idea of him jumping out our bedroom window in a panic just make me laugh (because I'm a sick, sick person), but it's so funny to me because IT'S COMPLETELY TRUE. He nailed it. J has enough trouble staying in bed most nights; I'm not about to freak him out more than I have to. A leg cramp is the least of my nighttime troubles, for crying out loud.
And now I'm giggling too. That's too funny. You are just cursed with nighttime troubles, there is no way around it.
And his cell phone woke me up at 3 this morning. Ergh.
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