Monday, October 10, 2005

Follicle Fun

It's Monday. It's cold, gray and rainy outside. But I'm still loving that I can wear corduroy without apology now. Corduroy!

We settled on seeing A History of Violence yesterday. Excellent movie. No animal birth scenes, but it was still good. Makes me think that having a husband who can kill 4 mobsters with his bare hands would come in handy from time to time. Especially at the mall around Christmas. I also caught the end of Crazy/Beautiful on cable yesterday, and I have noticed a disturbing trend from these two movies: giving the female lead a sense of "reality" by making her hair look really greasy. I'm pretty sure that Indiana lawyers and Malibu brats take showers every day. Would they not wash their hair whilst in the shower? Look, I'm all for de-glamourizing Hollywood actresses, but I get far too distracted by gross hair while I'm watching a movie. Instead of concentrating on plot, all I can think is "Thank goodness she doesn't have dandruff." And then I wonder if they actually made Maria Bello and Kirsten Dunst not shower, or if they showered and then the makeup people combed Wesson through their hair. I just don't know.


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