Tuesday, October 04, 2005

You really do learn something new every day

I think I got my first confirmed sighting of a hooker and her pimp this morning on my way to work. It was about 7:30 a.m., and we were driving down the street when J pointed out a lovely scene to our right. A blonde woman was standing on the road about to get into a van, and there was a man standing closeby watching it all go down. He was resplendent in head-to-toe purple, and she looked like she had washed her hair in french fries a couple days ago. And you might be saying "Well, maybe she was getting a ride to work and that man just happened to be there waiting for a bus." You are so naive. That presupposes they have actual jobs. You make me laugh.

There was also a bomb scare in a downtown building this morning that made us late to work because they shut down part of Broad Street. Makes me wonder...do they have to call in the bomb squad every time someone finds a bag sitting alone in a building? Does it have to be ticking? How does that work?

I am still full from dinner with J's family last night. That is a fun bunch. When we were leaving, the manager said "Come back next week! Usually, I tell people to come back tomorrow, but you..." and he grimaced. Heh. You can't handle us, Buca!


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