Monday, September 26, 2005

Fate Hath Zinged Me

Apparently, that headache I had yesterday wasn't just a cry for help from my stomach. I woke up at 3 this morning with a sore throat and congestion, took some Nyquil to fall back asleep, but now I'm feeling pretty blech. See, this is what I get for posting the other day about using sick time for superfluous reasons. Darn you and your twisted vengeance, universe!

But it could be much worse. Right now, I'm just feeling tired and mucoid (I just made that up!). I remember when I first moved to Columbus, I'd just gotten over a bout of West Nile Virus (I swear that's what I had. I got some mosquito bites when I moved from Columbia and then got super sick in Dayton about a week later. West Nile, I'm telling ya), and then I came down with tonsilitis. Picture it, spring of 2003, me in my office, wearing a shirt, sweater and two jackets, with my head propped up against my monitor for half an hour until my doctor's appointment, trying not to move. Pitiful. But I figure getting some cold medicine at lunch will fix this up right quick. No worries.

And for some reason, a tuna melt sounds good to me. I don't usually eat tuna melts. Weird.


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