Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Does this entry make me look fat?

I finally got some good Mexican food last night at this place called "On the Border"...or was it "At the Border?" Huh. Anyway, all I know is that if I don't get some good refried beans every few months or so, I start to go into withdrawal. I don't speak the espanol, but that stuff was mucho tasty. I know my Mom would disagree with this as she has seen my reaction to rhubarb, but I'm really not a picky eater. As long as it's greasy, cheesy, sugary, cream-filled or fried, I'll like it. I'm quite easy to please.

Speaking of easy, anybody else see the pictures in a British tabloid of Kate Moss snorting coke through a 5-pound note? And the things they're publishing about her and her drug-fueled lesbian orgies? Heh. That's hilarious. I mean, it goes without saying that I am horribly concerned about her health since she's a fellow human being, etc... but I feel so vindicated. I just knew those supermodels were crackheads. I just knew it! There's no way someone stays that skeletal into their 30's without being on some sort of substance. I worry a teensy bit that the pictures of ol' Kate will glamorize cocaine for the youngsters, but anybody who admires Kate Moss needs to reprioritize anyway. Yeah, I said it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good lord- haven't seen that pic. yet of Kate Moss- Doesn't she have a baby? Scary thought!

Thanks for changing the blog girl! Hopefully the spam won't be too bad...
here's hoping!

5:54 PM  

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