Thursday, October 13, 2005

A snapping turtle trapped in the body of a nurse

Is being a nurse practitioner a tough job? I mean, I'm sure it's not easy, but if you're just giving check-ups in doctors' offices, that can't be as stressful as, say, being on a S.W.A.T. team, right? I'm just asking because I had a check-up today, and I was apparently an hour late. I thought it was at 10:30, but when I got there they told me it was 9:30. I don't know how that got mixed up because I called them from work for the appointment and wrote it down on my calendar as soon as I hung up the phone. Maybe it was me. Bah, I don't know. Anyway, the receptionist lady was really nice about it and told me not to worry because no other patients were there yet, but the actual nurse practitioner read me the riot act in the exam room. "It's not our fault you were late! Next time you're late, you'll be rescheduled! Do you understand? It's not fair to the other patients!" Whoa. Don't get me wrong here, because I understand how frustrating these things can be, but I can't imagine I would ever yell at somebody over something so stupid. It's like those people who wig out about being charged a dime for a cup of water. Let's try to maintain some perspective here, folks. It's not like I ran over her puppy...YET.

In other news, I've been up since 2:49 this morning. And because of that I am going to eat a Little Debbie fall brownie this afternoon with no compunction whatsoever. I figure if I'm going to be awake an extra 3 hours a night, I'm burning more calories than I would if I was sleeping. How's THAT for some logic?


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