Friday, December 16, 2005

Fa la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaa

I took yesterday afternoon off to use up the last of my vacation time and got some good shopping done. I felt very productive. I also feel very poor now, but that's what Christmas is really all about. Just as an aside, I have noticed over my years of watching Christmas specials on tv that there are about 3942 "true meanings of Christmas." I mean, really. If I had a nickel for every time someone on a soap opera said "and that's what Christmas is really all about," I'd have a Faberge egg habit like Barney. And Christmas is never "really all about" the same thing precisely, but it does seem to fall into a few major categories: giving, family, sacrifice, parties and crying so hard snot runs out of your nose because your baby almost died and then was saved by a blood transfusion from your best friend who's secretly in love with you. Wow, this sounds really cynical. I actually love Christmas and this time of year, I promise. I guess I just find the Days of our Lives version of it to be a little over the top.

More importantly, however, I found the best sweater at Forever XXI yesterday. It's a camel-colored hoodie with a gold, sparkly fleur-de-lis on the back. Is it possible to love a sweater?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike and I were pondering why Harry Potter movies are considered Christmas movies, as they have been featured on the '25 Days of Christmas' specials on TBS (I think its TBS).

Most of the old specials also include the themes of 'its not good to be different' and 'people only like you if you have something they can use'. Really warms the heart, eh?

11:39 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

"It's not good to be different." Ha!
That IS weird about Harry Potter as a Christmas movie. I'm racking my brain trying to think how they've got anything to do with the holidays. How bizarre!

12:56 PM  

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