Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Waking up with Whiskey would be a cool name for a band

I have begun a new habit of whipping up an epicurean delight each morning when I get to work. No, seriously. It's really not fancy or anything--just making a cup of low-fat hot chocolate (to ease the guilt of having what is essentially candy that early in the day) and throw some French vanilla coffee in there. It's my mocha. It's delicious. I never used to drink much coffee when I was younger, but it was like the minute I turned 30... WHAMMO!, had to have coffee every morning just to get my eyelids propped up. It sort of disturbs me that I'm dependent on the coffee now, but then I think about the people who drink 2 pots of coffee a day and wash each cup down with a cigarette, and I don't feel so bad.


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