Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Everybody hates a skeptic

I wish I wasn't such a jerk. In my mind, I know that talking to people about religion is a bad idea. And, really, I wouldn't go up to the cashier at Walmart and start talking creation theories with him. I'm not that bad. But I need to take drastic measures to remind myself that even with people who are close to me, there's a fine line between a thoughtful discussion about religion and offending them. I don't mean to offend people; it's just that I'm not all that emotionally invested in any one religious tenet. But other people are, and every time I ask them questions or bring up points that seem strange to me, they perceive it as an "insult" at some point.

And here's my real problem: I still don't understand why it's such a touchy subject. I know this sounds childish and naive, but I just don't get it. I was thinking about it this morning, and I realized that it doesn't really bother me anymore to learn things that shake the foundations of my understanding. It happens all the time. Somewhere between learning there was no Santa Claus and finding out that a global economy dictates jobs moving overseas, I stopped getting annoyed when things didn't go the way I want. There are over six billion people in the world, and it's practically guaranteed that most of them out there don't agree with you. So why do people tend to hold on so tight to things like religion? Intellectually, I know it's because it's their understanding of the world, their life and their meaning. But due to its very essence, belief isn't fact-based; it's faith, so it's open to interpretation. But then people get so offended when it's interpreted differently even when that's inevitable by its very nature. Gah! Can't we all just get along??


Blogger Ann said...

I hear everything you're saying. I, too, believe in a higher power, so I'm on board with that. I actually understand that better than atheism, but even then, I think they have a right to believe what they want.

It just makes me sad that people feel persecuted for what they believe, and then it turns into a lot of bad feelings all around. I wish so much that people could talk about these things without making other people feel "stupid" or bad.

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel that it is everyone's own right to believe what they want, and I wouldn't go trash talkin on anyone else's religion, as I would hope they would respect my beliefs the same way.

What usually gets me upset is when people make comment about another religion without understanding it. I am Catholic and I admit that I don't 100% agree with everything in the Catholic church. But some of the things that people get up in arms about are things that were dictated by man, not God. But I can say that I understand and respect the Catholic churches stance on many topics whether I agree with them or not. And again, much like what Alisa said, its always the fanatical anti-abortion Catholics or the rapist Priests that you see on TV...

If you think about it, the Greeks believed in all of those Gods and Goddesses to explain everything around them, so I think more recent organized religion does something similar for people today.

I feel that everyone should respect eachother and their beliefs... wouldn't that be great? Because I really don't care if anyone else I know wants to be Catholic, but I don't want them telling me that being Catholic is bad either.

As to why people get so crazy about it... I've seen people get just as crazy about politics, so I don't think religion is alone on the untouchable topics.

I don't know if we'll ever figure this one out!

5:39 PM  

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