Monday, November 28, 2005

I told you you was the daddy! I told you so!

Back to work. It's actually kind of nice to have something productive to do again. Sometimes I think back to my years in college and grad school and wonder how I managed to waste so much time watching daytime tv. Really, I don't know if I'm getting more mature (I doubt it) or if programs are getting worse, but I can't bring myself to watch soaps and talk shows anymore. Well, except for an occasional Maury Povich paternity test show. Those are great!

It's amazingly warm outside today. High of about 72 if the predictions end up being correct. It's very weird considering we were driving through a blizzard not 4 days ago. Warm weather in the fall like this always makes me worry about tornadoes. I can't tell you how many times I was woken up in the middle of the night as a child because of a tornado siren. That anxiety has been burned in my brain. I dream about tornadoes a lot...that and shopping in malls. Tornadoes and malls...what an odd pair.

Speaking of dreams, mine from last night had me going to a friend's friend's wedding. She was a young, half-Indian, half-African-American woman marrying Prince Charles. It was very elaborate and fancy, and I kept waiting for them to serve cherry scones. I know, it doesn't make any sense.


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