Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Snotty Employees: A Case Study

I have to take a minute to remind myself that I am very lucky to have the job I have. A teacher came in a while ago and proceeded to insult my abilities, put me down, condescend to me and then ask me to send a recommendation to her superior about how much better she is at my job than I am. Ummm...riiiight. I haven't yet decided if she's really gutsy or just plain insane. What I feel like sending her superior is a verification that she is, in fact, losing her mind, but I don't think that's what she was asking for. I need to keep telling myself that even though I encounter some odd behavior from time to time here, it would be way worse in retail. Yes, I remember the day I was working at the cookware store and a woman came in yelling at me to tell her the name of "that stuff you put on corn" and I said "You mean butter?" like she was the dumbest person in the world. Those were good times.

And, just as an addendum, I'm even worse at sales. When I was working the phones for a catalog clothing company, my boss was giving me a review one day and told me to try to sell more. I replied "Look, I have a master's degree, so I really don't care." I'm still amazed they didn't fire me after that. Heh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One glorious summer when I was working in the Boscov's Tent Sale (north eastern department store that every year puts a bunch of stuff that they can't sell in a tent outside and it magically leaps off the shelves because people think it is such a great deal... wait, I should critisize, I'm just as likely to walk in and buy stuff myself... but I digress...) I had a woman demand that I sell her the $20 mattress pad for $4.99 because another hapless shopper had thrown it in the pillow bin labeled '$4.99'. And I had to delicately explain to her that the sign also said 'pillows'.

So when one of my snotty coworkers began ranting and raving at me the other day as it sounds like this teacher did to you, I just remember that I don't have to fight with someone over the price of a matress pad anymore.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Ha! Working that tent sale sounds like a JOY.

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also got yelled at because the circular didn't clearly explain that the cushions didn't come with the wicker furniture...

The job really scarred me for life!

3:57 PM  

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