Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Smart people on ice!

It's official. Ugly boots have become a trend here. It's bad enough when I see questionable fashion in magazines, but when it's walking through the parking lot while I am minding my own business and trying to eat lunch, I get annoyed. Let me 'splain: I was totally for women wearing those cute, little Ugg boots with the bottoms of their jeans tucked into them. The boots were on the short side, they came in cute colors, and they weren't that furry back in the day. But now I'm starting to see chicks sporting these monstrosities of fur and pom-poms that are not only terrifying, but also really impractical for an Ohio winter, I don't mind saying. I also saw a girl wearing knee-high, stiletto-heeled, leather boots with her jeans tucked in. Unless you are Naomi Campbell or as stupid as Jessica Simpson, do not try that at home. It doesn't look right. You pair that ensemble with a short jacket, and all a bystander sees is crotch. Ick.

Did anybody else read the clue about keeping an eye on Mr. Eko's stick? What is THAT about?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about mr. e's stick? is that some sick metaphor????

6:53 PM  

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