Thursday, December 08, 2005

#3 on my list of good reasons to have a man around

I had to run to the store last night to get a couple things, and as I was leaving, J offered to come with me. My senses were immediately on red alert because J hates grocery shopping, so I asked him why he was offering, and he said he thought I might need some help. I replied that I actually only want him to come shopping with me when I buy lots of stuff so he can help me carry the bags. Now, that may have sounded mean, but I realized as I was perusing the Christmas candy at Kroger that it's also very honest. Back when I was single, I would seriously buy things at the store based on their weight because I didn't want to have to carry them myself. Back then, I always bought the smallest box of Tide (even though I knew I was getting a worse deal), bananas instead of apples (they're lighter!) and a maximum of one 12-pack of pop because I couldn't figure out a good way to carry two from my car to my apartment. But nowadays, I buy the big boxes of everything. If J doesn't come with me to the store, I will pull up in the driveway, grab the bag with the chips and paper towels from the trunk and pull him away from his computer to carry the heavy stuff inside. I know it's not very liberated of me, but there you go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA! I thought the same thing.

4:08 PM  

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