Thursday, December 15, 2005

It's so cold there your eyelashes freeze together

Son of a. I just wrote a long post, but the computer couldn't "locate the server," and it just disappeared. Why I oughta. I guess this is somebody's way of telling me nobody wants to hear about the weather today. But I don't care; it's really snowy out there! The drive into work today was quite treacherous. It was that kind of snow that's really wet (as J put it, the kind of snowball that turns to ice before it hits the intended target), so it was slush central, my friends.

The city I've lived in that's been the best at dealing with snow was Rochester. They were good. I was in college for four winters there, and they only shut down school once and that was because an actual glacier moved in at 7 a.m. one day. Rochesterians have got to be some of the toughest people in the country. You'd see them shovelling their driveways in the dark, with temperatures below zero, and then walking to 7-11 for a slurpee. That's tough, I don't care who you are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It snowed at USC my freshman year and my senior year... how poetic. However, when it happened my freshman year, I had just come back from PA and dealt with a major storm... so another inch of snow wasn't getting me out of bed to go play!

1:55 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I remember it snowing a few times while I was in Columbia, and I remember one ice storm that got me off work for a whole day, which was sweet. There was one storm in the winter of '99 or '00 that was bad. I think they got about 4 inches. That shut down the town for a week!

8:23 AM  

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