Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Rental car smells like sunshine

Is it the afternoon already? I've been waking up around 2 the past couple nights so my mornings have become a blur of coffee cups and naps. Lil J goes to sleep just fine, but lately he's been waking up to eat at the aforementioned 2 a.m. and not wanting to settle back down and fall asleep afterwards. He is so my kid. And it's no big deal now, but when I go back to work, this is going to be rough. Although, really, I've had years of practice developing coping mechanisms for sleep deprivation at work. Tip #1: it's called Diet Coke. The lining of your stomach will disappear, but at least you won't get fired for sleeping at your desk. Tip #2: avoid customer service jobs unless the job calls for throwing hatchets at people. And, finally, tip #3: invest in some good headphones because there's nothing worse than being tired and irritable then having to listen to a bunch of teenagers spewing their views on politics and world peace. Oooh, did I just say that? I'm so cranky!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like when you brought J home... you just do it. My advice is to do as much as possible the night before so that you don't have a lot to do in the morning.

1:49 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Seriously. I'll need that morning time to drink my 6 cups of coffee. Ha!

2:03 PM  
Blogger BETH said...

And, you probably see those commercials for the baby soap that says it will help your child sleep when you have been awake in the middle of the night for hours. Those commercials really made me want to heave the TV out the window...if lavender scented soap really makes a baby sleep like that, we would have a LOT less sleep deprived moms! :)

2:53 PM  

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