Thursday, December 04, 2008

"Christmas Shoes": worst Christmas song ever

Looks like I caught Lil J's cold. He's been congested and coughing since Monday, and last night I started to feel thick in the head with a sore throat. It's not that bad though. As long as I'm not achy, I can handle sickness. I just hate getting the achy joints. It's like being nauseous--a totally miserable experience, in my opinion. But, really, getting sick was not a surprise. I know this might gross some people out, but I read about these moms who are totally germophobic and I think to myself "Huh. I wonder what that's like." I don't worry about that at all. I share spoons with Lil J, I eat food he's dropped on the floor, and I rarely make him wash his hands unless he does something really gross like reach in the Wubby's litter box. I'm just too lazy to be really clean. I'm organized, yes, but not clean really. I still remember a woman telling me how she cleaned the outside of her toilet once a week and I was like "Wow. I think I last did that in 1997." Gross, I know, but I like to think that my immune system is going to be optimally prepared if we have another bubonic plague outbreak.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a horrible song. I know there is a serious side to Christmas, but that really takes it a bit too far. And by the way, that song is banned in my house/car this year!

I'm totally with you with the cleaning. I like the house to be livable clean, but it doesn't have to be surgical clean. And frankly, I don't have time for it... I'd rather play with Logan :)

2:23 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Amen to that, sister.

Yeah, that song ticks me off. I want to be HAPPY at Christmas. HAPPY. Not thinking about a child's mother dying. Geesh. What a downer.

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find that I am having anxiety over the state of my house. That's not good people! I need more time! Energy! and a maid!

4:52 PM  

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