Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The weather outside is frightful

I want to let everyone know that Lil J was in the hospital Friday night (we left around 4 on Saturday afternoon) to start the Propranolol, and, when it comes to his breathing, he's doing really well so far. He sounds good. Unfortunately, he's dealing with some nasty intestinal side effects. And when I say "he's dealing" with it, I mean I'm the one changing 8 to 10 diarrhea diapers a day. Aren't you glad you checked my blog today? Yuck. But the hospital stay wasn't too bad this time. Exhausting, as usual, but at least it was quick. I just couldn't believe what was going on in the two rooms beside ours though: newborn babies left in the cardiology unit with no visitors. Isn't that sad?? I have no idea where their parents were and why they couldn't come at night (if they worked) or with the other kids (if they had them). Those poor babies were crying all night with only the nurses to comfort them. Made me want to punch somebody. How do people do that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really, really glad his breathing is better. I'm really, really sorry you're having to deal with the diaper effects though. Yeesh.

Those poor babies! That's so sad.

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that lil J is doing well on the meds (except for the poop). Good luck with everything!

9:55 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Thanks. His appetite seemed better last night, so we're hoping his GI tract is recovering. Just very glad his breathing is getting better!

10:15 AM  

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