Friday, December 12, 2008

I have to push the pram a lot

Oooh, I just read that Jon Hamm (the dude from Mad Men) is going to play Liz Lemon's love interest on 30 Rock soon. Sweet. He's awesome. That show, Mad Men, is excruciating to watch sometimes because the characters are such jerks, but I love the acting, the writing and the sets. I've been getting ready to teach this History of Design class in the spring, so all those chairs and outfits from the 60's are cool to see. And, as always when I watch a period piece, it makes me extremely grateful that I haven't lived in a time when women had to do their hair every day, wear skirts and otherwise look good. There's just no way I can achieve that. People, I take "low maintenance" to a new extreme. Wait, what was I talking about? Ahh yes, 30 Rock. Love that show. Looking forward to the future. Yes, yes.


Blogger BETH said...

Jon Hamm is yummy!!! And, I love 30 Rock, too...what a great combo!

3:16 PM  

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