Wubby smells, Wubby smells, it's Wubbiss time in the city
Ok, I'll just go ahead and admit that I'm feeling cranky this morning. And for once it's not because I'm sleep-deprived. No, I'm just getting tired of people telling me how to raise my son. Is this a common thing that mothers get constantly chided for just about everything they do regarding their kids? Or is it just me? Because last time I looked, I had not left Lil J in a room with a box of scissors or let him play on a curb while I ran inside and bleached my hair. As far as I can recall, I haven't fed him acid, sold him to pirates or let him use a bench saw as a jungle gym. So I would really appreciate it if people would GET OFF MY BACK. Ugh.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
That sucks. People will never learn to keep opinions to themselves.
Well duh Ann... I mean you only have been dealing with his health condition, losing sleep, hanging out in hospitals far more than anyone with a baby should have to, moved to a better neighborhood for him... you are in fact a horrible mother.
People piss me off!!!!!
Yes, apparently all those things I do to try to be a good mother to him are completely negated when I look away for a second and he touches an electrical cord. Shame on me.
I, too, am pissed off.
Good grief! I can be standing on top of Logan and he still manages to injure himself.
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