Tuesday, November 01, 2005

They skipped their sociology seminar to go trick-or-treating

I didn't think it was possible, but last night made me realize I have even more pet peeves than I realized. To begin with, if you can DRIVE YOURSELF, you are too old to go trick-0r-treating, ok? That's non-negotiable. And if you do not have a child under the age of 10 with you, do not tell me that you are "collecting candy for my baby." You are lying. Stop it. And if the child in your arms has no teeth and cannot eat anything besides milk, again, do not claim you are holding the baby's candy sack. You are holding your own candy sack. And it is full of LIES.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I must say that the vast majority of trick-or-treaters we had last night were adorable, polite and gracious. It was really just tons of fun to hand the stuff out. We actually ran out of candy an hour before trick-or-treating ended, but how can you not give a couple extra Dum Dum Pops to a 3-year-old dressed as a Care Bear? Or a 2-year-old wearing a furry lion costume? How? You would have to have a heart made of snakes. That's right, snakes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to creativity? Seriously?
I refused to give more than 1 piece of candy to those who didn't even try that much.

But I had a little red-riding hood girl (about 5-6 yrs old) and her teeny little sister as the big bad wolf! So cute- you could only see her little round face through the furry costume.
So cute!

2:05 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Don't get me started on the bunch of (what looked like) 13-year-old boys who just threw on basketball jerseys (I'm sure they already owned) and thrust their pillow cases at us. Sad. They only got 1 Dum Dum!!

4:25 PM  

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