Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Oh, Justin, you skinny, pansy boy

I've been doing this project here at work that's been taking up the past week or so. I'm cropping and color-correcting this set of images that chronicle the history of costume/fashion. It's pretty fascinating...well, probably only to women and gay men, but still. I have concluded that I would have been very self-conscious in Egyptian clothes, I would have preferred to be poor during the powdered wig years and I think I would have thrived in the empire-waist gowns of the early 19th century. Sure, they were gauzy and you'd catch consumption once a month, but at least there was no corset. Freaking corsets. Who came up with those?

Anybody else miss hats? Sometimes I wish we lived in an era of hats. I particularly like the look of men in the mid-20th century and those fedoras. There is nothing not cool about a dude in a fedora...unless you're a 22-year-old former boy band dweeb who thinks he's Michael Jackson. Then it's just obnoxious.

P.S. in case anyone is tempted to leave a comment about Michael Jackson himself wearing a fedora, please note that I referred to "men" above, and he certainly does not qualify. Zing!


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