Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A fudge rippple in time

There are not a ton of perks about working where I work. Sure, we get an occasional free tshirt or bagel for breakfast, but it's not overflowing with swag. I mean, it's a non-profit, what can you expect? The nice thing is that in my department, we do celebrate employee birthdays once a month, so everybody brings in a snack and our 82-year-old coworker makes a homemade cake. Today we had lemon cake, ice cream, candy corn (candy corn!) and pretzels. I was so stuffed that I couldn't even finish my small Quizno's sub at lunch an hour later.

I should also point out that we do not have a refrigerator in here, so the ice cream is just sitting on the lounge-area counter, melting down into a pool of butter pecan goo. I would try to make the supreme sacrifice of rescuing the ice cream by going and eating it all, but I really don't think my tummy can accomodate any more. A tragic waste of ice cream, this is. Won't somebody please think of the children?!?


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