Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I wish my desk came with a freezer

I am thrilled to report that we went to Giant Eagle after work last night and SCORED SOME PUDDING POPS!!! Yay! People, they're delicious. They're even better than I remember. Surprisingly, I was even more enamored with the vanilla pop than the chocolate pop I had. Which is odd considering I once considered naming my firstborn Coco (didn't even matter if it was a boy or girl). Maybe my taste buds are maturing and becoming more sophisticated...ha! Good one, Ann. Anyway, I want to thank Arisa for all her blood, sweat and tears in tracking down the pudding pops for me. You, my friend, are the best.

And the hamster I'm rodentsitting was alive when I got in the office this morning. Phew. She is running like a maniac in her wheel right now and making high-pitched grunting noises. Reminds me of those dudes at the gym who put way too much weight on the lifting machines and then grunt and groan for each and every one of their reps. Need I say how annoying that is? I much prefer hanging out with the other slackers by the stationary bikes. We just sit there, read magazines, talk on the phone and give ourselves pedicures while exercising. That's the way to do it.


Blogger Ann said...

I personally do not find it attractive when a man has to overexert himself to lift 80 pounds on the benchpress, so they need to keep the grunting to themselves.

Now I've got that song in my head!

12:28 PM  

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