Monday, April 10, 2006

Everybody around here has gone so outer limits

There is nothing I appreciate more than a new, creative way to tell somebody to shut it, so when we were watching The Simpsons last night and Mr. Burns said "Smithers, 'I told you so' has a brother. His name is 'Shut the hell up'," I just lost it. Ahh, good stuff.

I don't think I mentioned it earlier, but I'm ratsitting my coworker's hamster while she's on vacation this week. Fortunately, the creature survived the weekend. Hopefully she'll remain among the living for the next week, or I'm going to feel really bad when her owner returns. And, really, the hamster is cute and friendly. I just wish men were this easy to take care of.

Somebody I know made a joking suggestion over the weekend that I have insomnia in order to "get attention." I realize this wasn't a serious statement, but the more I think about it, the less that makes sense. Who am I trying to get attention from? Owls? Possums? The idea that I would deprive myself of sleep on purpose in order to get sympathy from people just kills me. Normally, the day after I can't sleep, I try not to talk to people at all because I'm so cranky the sound of footsteps sends me into a fit. I feel so misunderstood.


Blogger Ann said...

The hamster is Violet. She is currently running around in her wheel. She does that a lot. She must be very concerned about her physical fitness.

Yeah, it seems like most of the stuff I read about insomnia is about falling asleep, but that's hardly ever my problem. I feel like such a freak.

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish someone could fix Ann. I love sleeping and would hate it if I ever got this sort of insomnia. I hate it when it happens once in a while.

Maybe you should go to one of those sleep clinics where they monitor you all night?

2:43 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I went to a neurologist about this last year and he said if I didn't snap out of it, he'd send me to the sleep clinic. That was back when I was waking up at 3:30 every day. Ahhh, that whole second half of 2004 was a total daze. Anyway, I did eventually get back into a more normal insomnia cycle, so I never went to the clinic. That was probably stupid of me.

3:01 PM  

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