Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tea kettle for brains

I reeeeally hate to be that person that corrects other people's grammar, but this just ticked me off this morning: I'm watching the Today show and Campbell Brown (she of the suspiciously thin nostrils) is interviewing Lou Dobbs about this new immigration bill. And she says to him "Mr. Dobbs, I've been watching your show, and I notice that when you start to talk about immigration, steam is literally coming out of your ears." Really, Campbell? Steam is literally coming out of his ears? Because if so, he's got way bigger problems than immigration. I'm sure she meant to say "steam is practically coming out of your ears" or some other exaggeration, but I'm just amazed that someone can get that high up in the network news and not understand what "literally" means. Ugh. And then I get annoyed with myself over getting annoyed about something so miniscule, but I just can't take it. You know Jane Pauley wouldn't have said something that stupid.


Blogger Ann said...

I don't think it was scripted because it was part of the interview she did with him, and it sounded like something she just threw in there. Big mistake, small nostril.

That would be funny if we were all like cartoons. We'd be a lot more resilient to falls from high buildings, too.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Can you imagine a whole interview scripted word-for-word? How boring is that! I sometimes get a kick out of it when they have 2 people they're interviewing at the same time and they start arguing with each other. I'm too tired to fight that early in the morning.

2:01 PM  

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