Tuesday, June 13, 2006

David Beckham is a wuss. There. I said it.

I was just reading a news story on Yahoo about how polar bears sometimes resort to cannibalism to survive when their food supply runs short. Man, that's a tough life. I would never judge a polar bear because, well, I'm no polar bear, but any situation where you look to your left and then your right and your cousin, Betty, starts to look like a good dinner...well, that's just sucky.

I saw that the American soccer team got whomped by the Czech Republic yesterday. Sigh. I think the Czech Republic is about the size of Kentucky, but it sounds like they've got some really good soccer players there, so you can't begrudge them their victory. I actually spent a couple days in the Czech Republic back in '95 when I studied abroad. It's a neat country. Back then, you could get a lunch of 2 hot dogs, chips, cookies and a Coke for about 75 cents. Sweet. The people were really nice...although I didn't speak the language so they could have been calling me stupid for all I know. I really loved visiting Switzerland and Germany, too. I'd love to get back to both of those countries sometime. Good food, nice people and excellent cheese and pretzels. Mmmm.


Blogger Ann said...

If I'm remembering this right, I think it was still called Swiss cheese in Switzerland. I recall they had TONS of different kinds though. Good stuff.

Yeah, wasn't the American team pretty highly ranked? What happened?

12:41 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

You don't like Swiss cheese?? Well, I must admit I don't eat it by itself, but I do love a good turkey and Swiss sandwich. Mmmm.

That is too bad about our soccer team. It's bizarre how many kids play soccer in America, but professional soccer hasn't caught on.

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least swiss isn't stinky like some cheeses!

Today is Ralph's (my dog) first birthday!

4:19 PM  

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