Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Eh, they were abused children

Twice now the blogger system has taken a post I was working on and erased it. And both times I've been writing about Top Gun. Is anybody else starting to think Tom Cruise's scientology buddies are monitoring my blog? Scary! But I shall not desist. This is still America, dang it, and if I want to trash an 80's movie, that's my right. So there.

Seriously, though, has anybody watched all of Top Gun lately? People, this movie is not standing the test of time very well. When I was 12, I thought it was exciting, romantic and a piece of classic American cinema. Now I watch it and think Tom Cruise is either a really good actor and can convey stupidity as well as Dustin Hoffman or (and I think this is more likely) he's just a putz and can't hide it. And can we talk for a minute about the chances that a woman with a PhD in astrophysics would find a guy like Maverick attractive? This is a dude who is incredibly immature and isn't even smart enough to wear a helmet while riding his motorcycle. Riiight. At this point, I'm thinking Goose is really the best part of that movie. I think it would have been way more entertaining if Maverick had died in the ocean (I'm imagining him unsuccessfully trying to beat off a gang of hungry sharks), and Goose had spent the rest of the movie running around in his sleeveless sweatshirt, playing the piano and making fun of Slider. That's comic gold, my friends...comic gold.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you didn't even touch on the fact that Kenny Loggins made all his money off of that soundtrack- ha!

11:36 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

That's true! There are about 5 Kenny Loggins songs in that movie. Was no one else available? How did that happen?

And, I tell you what, Sixteen Candles and Breakfast Club are still great and I can watch Airplane and Ferris Bueller's Day Off 20 times in a row and not get sick of them.

12:53 PM  

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