Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Confucius say "Never do in private what you wouldn't do in public"

During our trip to DC and back, J and I were talking about the risk you run when you look at what other drivers are doing in their car. At one point in the trip, J looked over and saw a woman picking her nose as if her life depended on it, and I am just very, very glad I did not see that. Yuck. I really try not to look at other people pretty much at all anymore unless they're in a public space where they expect people to see them. So if you're in a mall, you've got a much lower chance of seeing someone pick a wedgie than you do in a quiet hallway in your office building. This is simply a sad fact of modern life. I absolutely refuse at this point to make eye contact with people on the street when I'm walking to the gym, because I have seen so many dudes spit on the sidewalk that, if I paid attention, I'd be dodging loogies all day. So gross.

Only one more day of work after today! Yay!


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