Tuesday, December 05, 2006

She sleeps above the covers...four feet above the covers!

I need to devise some sort of new winter wardrobe strategy because I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror in this turtleneck sweater, and it looks like I could bench press a school bus, I'm so bulky in this thing. I'm not for causing myself pain to look good (you can suck it, high heels), but I will forsake sweaters in the wintertime if they make me look this much like the Staypuft marshmallow man. Yes, I am that shallow.

I liked Heroes last night, as usual. Things happen so fast on that show that I'm usually caught going "Hey, what just happened?" about 10 times per episode, but by the same token, I like that it's full of action. Does anybody else think Isaac the artist was more attractive when he was high on heroin? He's a good-looking dude either way, but for some reason lanky hair and a visible sheen of smack sweat looks good on him. Curious.

Man, I really am starting to sound like Paris Hilton with my talk of fashion and drugs. I'm scaring myself. I need to stop reading e!online and start reading some Proust.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw Ghostbusters on TV the other day... that used to be one of my favorite movies and that was one of my favorite lines from it.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

It's one of my all-time favorite movies ever! "That's a big Twinkie."

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time someone asks you if you are a God, say yes!!

2:39 PM  
Blogger Ann said...


2:55 PM  

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