Wednesday, January 24, 2007


As if Wubby's life isn't hard enough (with his constant quest to find a warm blanket to sleep under, walking all the way to the kitchen to get his food, licking himself), J was teasing him this morning by flicking a lighter and saying "See, this is why we humans are controllers of the world and you are just our pet." Like the poor cat needs to be reminded of his lack of opposable thumbs and his walnut-sized brain. Poor thing. I think if he understood English, his feelings might be hurt.

Man, there was nothing on tv last night. Even American Idol was boring. I most certainly did not listen to Bush talk, but I must say I think it was pretty cool to see a woman sitting behind him during his speech last night. It's hard to believe it's taken this long for a woman to get that high up in politics, but I'm glad it finally happened. Alisa for President in 2012!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Ann. I'd like to announce my 'Exploratory Committee' and say that I am honored at the interest in my campaign for office in 2012. I would do well as President of these United States. I hate politics and politicians so I've got that going for me. I know what real people actually need in life and would fight for the little man and woman. Plus I love travelling and discovering other cultures so our foreign policy would improve, let's face it, it can't get worse! My cabinet would not only be filled with smart and sympathetic people but also with Chanel suits. Haha!

Donations may be sent to:
Alisa For Prez!
204 Essex Drive
Blahblahblah, SC BlahBlah

8:37 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

My check's in the mail! I think you would make an awesome President. You'd definitely be a breath of fresh air. You could put a Sephora in the White House and let your cabinet wear flip-flops. That would be so cool.

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any women's sports team that wants to visit my White House in flip flops would be encouraged. Plus it would be bring your dog to work on Mondays and Hawaiian shirt Wednesdays. The first husband would be John Krasinski, of course. Or if I wanted to stir things up, I'd marry Edward Norton. He's opinionated. And yes, I'd put a Sephora AND a Trader Joe's inside the White House. Oh to be leader of the free world.

10:23 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

You would have the power to put a Trader Joe's in every city! I would also put in a word for mandatory paid maternity leave (for our Katie), some sort of better health care and more vacation time for librarians.

11:15 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

Paid PATERNITY leave would be very progressive, too!!
I will send a check!

1:33 PM  

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