Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My stomach hurts

Ahhh, is there anything funnier than the American Idol audition shows? That girl who was singing like the Cowardly Lion certainly was unique, wasn't she? And, as always, I'm amazed at how deluded so many of these contestants are. But I was fascinated by how little Paula Abdul said last night. Doesn't she have some sort of neurological disease? Is that why she's acting so nutty? Or is it really just booze and pills, like the tabloids say? Either way, I still wouldn't mind being her for a while. Being in a daze all day and making millions of dollars for working 3 months out of the year is not a bad gig. Who needs dignity when you're that rich? Bless her heart.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I missed it!

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to watch both episodes (yup, all 4 hours) this weekend. I have a feeling my ears will be bleeding by the end of it.

I think Paula's a drunk. Though I have to say I love the explanations publicists come up with after celebs do nutty things. Like Paula's recent interview and their excuse was that she was talking to an interviewer in one city when it was supposed to be another city. So city confusion explains slurring? Gotcha.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Oh, she totally looked wasted in that interview. I liked the explanation that she's got a neurological disease, too. Like when Michael Jackson says his plastic surgery is a result of skin pigment disorders. Uh huh.

12:39 PM  
Blogger BETH said...

I heard the recent Paula clip over the radio and it is funny because it sounded much worse when you could only hear her...she totally sounds wasted! I agree..."city confusion" should not cause slurring!

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BUT city confusion induced by excessive drinking might cause slurring...

3:11 PM  
Blogger BETH said...

God love her. (to be said in same tone as "Bless her heart.")

4:18 PM  

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