Thursday, March 08, 2007


In the car on the way to work this morning, J was humming that operatic piece that I think is from Carmen. And then he started singing "Wubby J." to the melody, which got this picture in my brain of the Wubby holding a rose in his mouth and doing the tango. That would rule.

Did your parents ever do this when you were a kid: you go to your mom to ask her permission for something and she says "Go ask your father" and then you go to your dad and when you ask him, he replies "What did your mother say?"? You know, back then I didn't understand that parenting technique, and I still don't understand it now. It's like they're trying to keep the kid honest because you know they'll find out if you lie and say it was ok with mom when she never said that. Parents are tricky. As I'm aging, I'm starting to realize that my parents probably knew it every time I lied or did something bad--they just didn't let me know that they knew. Very cagey. My suspicion as a kid that my parents actually worked for the CIA may have been correct.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will I develop these parenting skills? Do they come naturally? Is there a class??

12:19 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

There must be. I can't figure out how they do it otherwise. And I also don't know how parents can hear a toddler say "moo fuh pak ta" and know that the kid is asking for fruit snacks. It's a whole different language!

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teaching the baby sign language seems like a really good idea now that you mention that...

And how will I know that 2 scribbly lines on a paper are a boat?

What did I get myself in to?

2:54 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

You're going to be fine!! Apparently, there's some gene or instinct that kicks in after you have kids that allows you to translate them into normal human communication. You probably won't even notice while it happens. And then one day you'll be driving a minivan around and carrying used Kleenex in your purse, and the transformation will be complete.

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking from experience, I used sign language w/ Kassidy, and I'm convinced it delayed the tantrum she's just got that 2.5 year old attitude. And I happily turned in my Malibu for the Uplander, "Ruby the Wonder Van"!!

8:44 PM  

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