Thursday, March 01, 2007

Yeah? Well, you're not getting it back!

A couple weeks ago, J and I got home and played the messages on our answering machine like we always do, and there was a kid on there using an Indian/Chinese/Arabic/Parisian accent who said "Hello. My name is Chong, and I want to tell you something: I need my cat back." And then he hung up. I can only assume this was a teenager playing a prank, but instead of annoying us, it's delighted us for days on end. We play it every once in a while and just crack up. And I feel guilty because it's sort of racial when you think about it, and I hate to laugh at racial jokes, but there's something about the way the kid says "I need my cat back" that's just so funny. It's sort of like the scene in Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls when Ace is carrying the bat and runs into a tree branch...every single time I watch that, I totally lose it and cry from laughing so hard. And I can't explain why. My sense of humor is firmly stuck in 5th grade, apparently.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is pretty funny!

A while back we kept getting calls for Leroy from a guy named Dave. I don't think it was a prank though. We had to keep explaining to Dave that he had the wrong number and he seriously didn't understand.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

My friend at work keeps getting calls from some guy in Africa on her cell phone. You'd think he'd realize it's a wrong number since the voicemail message is in English, but he's not catching on.

12:45 PM  

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