Maxing and relaxing
I'm far too tired right now to write very much (Lil J had a night full of wheezing, gagging, and vomiting, the poor little guy), but I will say this: in the above photo, it may look like I'm contemplating the joys of motherhood, but what I'm actually doing is scraping spit-up off my sister-in-law's bench with a blade of grass. True story.
I really hope this sleep thing gets better for you guys!
You mean you weren't contemplating the joys of motherhood as you scraped the spit up off the bench?
I know, hard to believe :) I really can't wait until the spitting up stops. It's gotten a lot smellier since we started cereal.
More solid food and time... and it will get better. I really thought Logan's spit up would never end... he'd be 30 and still yacking after every meal :( But it is extremely rare that he spits up now.
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