Thursday, June 05, 2008

Ones who walk away from omelets

Do you ever have this fantasy that you'll be walking down the street one day and a briefcase full of thousand-dollar bills falls out of the sky and hits you in the head? And you won't even care about the gaping wound in your scalp that's bleeding like crazy because you'll finally be able to stop working for a while and catch up on all the sleep you've been missing because your baby wakes up three times a night and won't calm down and stop wheezing until he gets some breast milk? Or is that just me?

I'm actually pretty psyched today because we have tomorrow off. The city's annual arts festival is taking place on our campus this year, so the school is letting all of us have the day off rather than try to find parking spots in that chaos. And, frankly, it's a good choice on the administration's part because if I was here all day, I'd be out eating funnel cakes instead of working in my office anyway. I do love me some funnel cakes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha- I've at least had part of that fantasy!

9:17 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Sometimes I fantasize about finding oil in the backyard, too.

9:37 AM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

I have that same fantasy, all the time. ;-)

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep trying to find that one idea that will make me a millionare too!

10:10 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I know. Some people say that money doesn't solve everything, but I'm pretty sure it can solve a lot.

10:22 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

I firmly believe having $$ would be a good thing. I dream about winning the lottery and it is funny b/c i don't play the lottery. Oh well.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

My sister-in-law calls the lottery "a tax on people who can't do math." But I don't care. I go buy a ticket every once in a while just to indulge in the dream.

12:45 PM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

Hah. I used to work with a guy who called it a "tax on hope". I told him when I won, I wasn't sharing any with him.

1:18 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Ha! Take that, guy!

2:52 PM  

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