Thursday, January 08, 2009


I got home from work yesterday and tried to watch Superman Returns on FX while I was playing with Lil J, and, really, I'm just glad I had something else to do because, wow, was that a boring movie. I'm going to send a note to that director and tell him that no superhero movie should include 2 hours of dramatic, panoramic shots of extras staring at the sky. There is no need for that many shots of people looking up. Reminded me of how one of my elementary school teachers once told me that turkeys are so stupid that they'll look up in a rainstorm and drown to death. Turkeys: stupid but delicious.

P.S. I love ginger ale and wish it was more readily available in grocery stores.

P.P.S. Now I'm wondering if a turkey would drink so much ginger ale that it would die. I'm just curious.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ginger ale would probably make the (stupid) turkey explode!

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too enjoy both turkey and ginger ale. And Superman Returns was very boring, you are quite correct.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Do you think the ginger ale would add a good flavor to the white meat in an exploding turkey?

9:59 AM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

Superman Returns was truly awful. Two hours of my life I'll never get back.

As for the ginger ale, I feel certain it's not more readily available because it's all in my MIL's basement. Once, when my husband and I were first dating (so, like 13 years ago) I asked for a ginger ale. Since then, she buys a case of it every time we come to visit. Of course, I gave up driving soda about 10 years ago, so she's got a stockpile of it now. If there's ever a nuclear war, she could live on her ginger ale stash for years.

10:28 AM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

Um, yeah. That's DRINKING soda. Don't drink and drive... Or type and talk... ;-)

10:31 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Do you happen to have your mother-in-law's address on you? Mwa ha ha! When I read that about driving ginger ale, I got this mental image of a woman on a horse, driving a herd of green pop cans across a pasture. "Gettyup, ya cans!"

11:05 AM  

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