Friday, March 20, 2009

Duck when it is coming at you

Ugh. I've been awake since 1 a.m. this morning. That's really bad insomnia even for me. A lot of the time, I'll wake up around 3 or 4, but I can comfort myself with the fact that I still got 5 hours of sleep. But this? This is sick and wrong. I just had some half-caff coffee to keep myself going, and you should feel that fetus kicking around in there. It's awake now, fo sho. I can assure you that I will be passed out on my desk by 2 p.m. however. Think about it--by 2, I'll already have been awake for 13 hours. Creepy.

I already got to see last night's Office. Heh. My favorite part was when Michael was describing the last two people who had Charles's job: "Jan just came by when she was really horny, and Ryan would come into town to visit his parents and do laundry." It's no wonder he's not used to being managed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he had a right to be upset too!

10:06 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

That Charles dude just doesn't get Scranton. I loved the "when you put paper in a furnace, you RUIN it!" exchange.

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike and I were talking about it last night as if Michael and DM really exist... "He has worked there for 15 years and his branch is doing well - he deserves better!"

God, we are dorks!

11:52 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Heh, heard that, my friend.

2:39 PM  

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