Thursday, March 12, 2009


Our niece (this is J's oldest brother's daughter) is in the hospital today because she's been having really bad neck and back pain for over a week now. And I don't just mean a headache--she gets so nauseous just turning her head that she apparently can't move, dress herself, drive, etc.... I'm glad she's in the hospital where people can help her, but I have gotten to a point in my life where knowing that somebody I care about is in the hospital sends me into states of extreme anxiety. When I was a kid, staying in the hospital sounded so cool. You get to lie in bed all day, watch tv, play games, have people give you food. See, nobody points out to a 6-year-old that hospital stays also can include somebody waking you up every 3 hours, needle insertions, worry, hospital food that is never the temperature it was intended to be, and, oh yeah, BLINDING PAIN when you go to the bathroom. I'm telling you, as excited as I am about this new baby, I'm not looking forward to going back to the maternity ward. Gah.

Look at that. I just made this post about me again. I am using humor as a defense mechanism. Just want to clarify that for ya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is good that she's in the hospital. I hope they can figure out what it is and fix it soon.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Me, too.

2:00 PM  

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