Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I know my blood type, thank you very much

During Lil J's morning nap yesterday, I was perusing the Dish TV and found a rerun from the first season of Lost to watch. It was that episode where Claire gives birth to Aaron, Jack has flashbacks from his wedding and *sniff* Boone dies. I remember going through the emotional wringer the first time I watched it, and it was really no easier the second time around. Poor Boone. That scene where he tells Jack that he knows he's going to die and doesn't hold Jack responsible for not saving him...waaaah. And then they start with the montage at the end with the slow music. Really, somebody please stop me from watching stuff like this when my hormones are all out of whack. At least when Lil J's awake, we can watch Sesame Street and Sid the Science Kid. Those never make me cry. They almost bore me to tears, sure, but that's different.

Oh, and I need to know at what age you guys moved your kids from the crib to a toddler bed. How does one know it's time to do that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love Sid... sad, huh?

I've been thinking about the toddler bed issue too... so obviously I haven't done it yet and Logan is 20 months. But he hasn't tried to climb out of his bed, nor does he have reason to be getting out of his bed without us present. I think we are hoping to hold out until the new house.

9:44 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I hear you. Lil J will be 20 months when the new baby gets here, and we're hoping we won't have to buy another crib. We'll let the new one sleep in our room at first, but do most kids have their own bed by age 2?

9:53 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

We moved Ben to a twin bed when he was 27 months. I didn't see any reason to spend money on a toddler bed when he was going to out grow it in a couple of months. Since Lil J will be younger, you might want a toddler bed b/c they are lower to the ground and use a crib mattress. That way you'll only have to buy another mattress.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

Ummmm... let's see... H-bomb is 2 1/2 and we moved him to a bed... um..... I'll let you know when we do. ;-)

Seriously, he's never tried to climb out, we didn't need the crib for anything else and he's been happy sleeping in the crib until recently when he started asking for a big boy bed. So I guess we'll make the switch soon.

We're going to buy a toddler bed, because that's the only bed that would fit in his current room. When he's out of that, we'll have to move him into what's currently the guest room and make his current (teeny) room into the guest room. I'm hoping to keep him in the toddler bed until he's 13. ;-)

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't crossed that with EC yet. She hasn't tried climbing out yet either. Plan to wait a bit before even thinking about it!

3:29 PM  
Blogger Hannah Barnaby said...

I say skip the toddler bed and put a twin mattress and box spring on the floor. That way you don't have to worry about them falling from any significant height and you spare yourself the expense of a bed they won't use for more than a year. The main thing is to get Lil J out of the crib a good while before the baby comes, or else he'll think, "Hm. That weird small creature stole my crib. How shall I exact my revenge?"

4:10 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Got it. Thanks for the tips!

4:26 PM  

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