"I hate your face" (that's a good insult)
This morning, I got to watch the first half of last night's Lost. Which is cool because I'm really digging Lost this year, so I was happy I got to see some of last night's episode, but there's no telling when I'll be able to watch the rest of it, and the suspense is killing me. And then we have a week and a half until the ultrasound where we find out if this is a boy or girl, and that suspense is driving me nuts, too. I'm not good with the waiting to find things out. A lot of people have asked me (with each pregnancy) if we were going to find out the sex, and my answer is always the same: "YES! I HAVE TO KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE." It's kind of ironic that my favorite type of novel to read is a mystery, isn't it? It's like an exercise in self-torture. Curious.
And isn't that sad about Natasha Richardson? Only 45 and with a husband and two teenage sons. Makes me want to wear a helmet when I go out onto the back porch.
And isn't that sad about Natasha Richardson? Only 45 and with a husband and two teenage sons. Makes me want to wear a helmet when I go out onto the back porch.
Did you get to see the scene with Sun and Christian in the house? It really has been a great season so far.
I can't wait until your ultrasound either!!!
It's incredibly sad about Natasha Richardson. I feel horrible for Liam and their family.
Oooh, no, I haven't seen that scene yet. Last I saw, she was following Ben through the forest.
And did you hear that rumor that they had to take her off life support? Can you imagine how hard that decision must have been? Terrible.
When you do, keep your eye focused behind Sun.
It really is terrible that they had to take her off life support but I guess if she was brain dead there aren't many other options.
Got it.
But wouldn't it be tempting, if you were insanely rich, to want to keep that person alive on the machines? I'm pretty sure I'd be tempted.
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