Friday, March 13, 2009

Men are slaves to planned obsolescence

I'm starting to realize that it's entirely possible that I come off much more stupid than I actually am. Yesterday, our boss here at work was asking all of us for our academic credentials for a report she's doing, so one of our student workers asked me what mine are, and as I got to the part where I graduated cum laude from college, and her response was "Reeeeeally?" like she never would have expected that. And, frankly, she's not the first person who's acted really surprised when I've told them that I did well in school. Which makes me wonder if my goofy exterior is coming off as complete buffoonery. But, man, that's going to be a bummer if, to be taken seriously in life, I'm going to have to be serious all the time and jump into conversations with phrases like "I find Raphael's didacticism to be superficial, at best." Ugh. I don't want to be that girl. Oh well, I guess some people are just going to assume I'm a moron. Which isn't entirely untrue if we're talking about something like car engines, makeup application or human genomes. So there's that.


Blogger BETH said...

I think I would rather have people underestimate my intelligence and then be pleasantly surprised than to initially overestimate it and then be sorely disappointed. :)

1:01 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Heh, that's a good point. It's also more fun to win at Trivial Pursuit if people aren't expecting you to.

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Definitely! But also, you are extremely witty... not just a dumb jokester!

1:36 PM  

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