I'm a Dapper Dan man!
I'm getting a lot better at tuning out the Today show whenever they have politicians on there. Some Republican dude was getting all bent out of shape about Obama's budget proposal and the reaction of the Democrats in the Senate, and I listened to him yammer on all annoyed-like for about 45 seconds before I was able to focus entirely on my mascara. I want to write a letter to the news programs and tell them that I'm interested in hearing the NEWS, not commentary from talking heads who have their own agendas. For that, I can go to the editorial page of the paper or read blogs on the web. At 7 a.m., I'm solely interested in knowing if a runaway plane or tornado is headed toward my house. Thank you. So much.
But speaking of Obama, I just have to post this picture I took back in January during the inauguration. I'm just a tad concerned that my progeny is going to be conservative. Look at this expression:
That is hilarious!!!! Love his haircut!
And every picture I took on inauguration day, he looked like that. Maybe he's just no fan of ceremonies. Let's tell ourselves that.
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