Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Is you is or is you ain't my constituents?

On Sunday afternoon, I called my Mom to say "sup?" and Lil J subsequently got all ticked off because he wanted to play with my cell phone and press all the buttons. Which, surprisingly, makes it very difficult to talk to one's mother on the phone. So while I was trying to talk to her, I said to Lil J "Why don't you go find your Elmo phone?" So he starts looking around the family room, obviously not exactly sure of the Elmo phone's location, so I said to him "Where is your Elmo phone?" And he looked at me with this truly frustrated look, threw both his hands in the air and cried "I don't know!" That was his first sentence! J was standing in the kitchen and heard it, and we both found that hilarious. He was so dejected! Makes me wonder if we keep this up and keep depriving him of the things he wants, will that make him the next Shakespeare? I'll write in another 40 years and let you know.


Anonymous katie said...

Wow! I'm so impressed!

10:16 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I know, it sort of came out of left field, too. Most of the time he just sticks to "no, no, no," "hi," "bye," stuff like that.

10:38 AM  
Blogger Ashley said...

It's so cute when they start talking isn't it? Now if only they could start some new words. "no mama" is starting to wear thin at times. sigh.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous katie said...

Logan revs up on his nos... nnnnnnNNNNNNOOOOOOO!

12:15 PM  

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