You like jazz?
I'm still sick. I got home last night and threw up again. Not only do I feel bad, but I'm getting anxious worrying about how this is affecting the baby. I'm trying to drink fluids, but it's really hard since I'm so nauseous and half the time I throw them back up. In good news, however, I was up at 4 a.m. today so I went downstairs on watched Lost on the DVR. Ahh, Hurley, where would that show be without you? I don't understand why so many people dislike Ewoks though. That's like hating puppies or pizza. It seems inhuman.
Maybe you should get some Pedialite ice pops or something to keep you hydrated... I'm getting worried about you!
Oooh, Pedialite ice pops are a good idea, Ann. You should do that.
I thought Lost was good last night and I'm telling you now that I'd be a faithful viewer of the Hurley and Miles show.
Lunchtime. I'm off to eat some jello, rice and Gatorade. Wish me luck.
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