Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Take a bath, hippie!

So Thanksgiving was nice. I definitely bought too big of a turkey for just me and J, but I'm sure the neighborhood raccoons will appreciate it come this weekend. Last week, I had been kicking around the idea of going shopping on Black Friday because I'm generally up at 3 anyway, so why not, right? Well, I decided to go for it, drove over to Target at 6 a.m. on Friday and rediscovered why I'm not too big on Black Friday shopping. That place was packed. Packed, I say! We shoppers were like Pringles with how on top of each other we were. I didn't even try to go into the electronics section, which turned out to be smart because all the good stuff was gone by 6 a.m. anyway. Sweet cracker sandwich. But the good news is that I got some toys for the kids, a new coffee maker for J, and some time to myself. Why I only get time to myself when the sun is down, I don't know, but I'll take it just the same.

Yeah, and I also watched Up 3 times yesterday with Lil J. It is truly a testament to that movie's quality that I watched it 3 times in 10 hours and did NOT want to kill myself. Ahh, Pixar, don't ever change.

Oh, and in medical news, my esophagus is getting scoped next week! I can't wait to see the pictures!


Anonymous alisa said...

I'm very impressed that you braved the crowds at Target.

So if you get a copy of your esophagus will you be posting it on here? I'd love to see it!

7:10 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Sure, I'll post it on here. As long as it's not too gross. If there's any blood or a polyp, I'll keep that to myself, don't you worry.

9:19 AM  

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