Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Upsilon here makes a delicious cherries jubilee

I know you all are dying to see this, so I shall wait no longer. Behold! My duodenum!
It kind of reminds me of a cruller. Huh. Anyway, the scope on Monday was surprisingly clean. I didn't have the expected scar tissue (which is good), but that means we still don't know why I'm having all this trouble swallowing. The doctor is getting some biopsy results today, so I'll get to talk to him and hopefully find out more. The scope itself was pretty easy since I was knocked out the whole time. But, man, did I wake up loopy! I was on that Propofol drug that killed Michael Jackson, and I have a whole new understanding as to why that dude was crazy if he was actually on that every day of his life. I may sound like a poindexter here, but I don't get the attraction of prescription drug addiction. They never make me feel good; they just make me feel confused and disoriented. And if I wanted to feel like that all the time, I'd go ahead and move to Portugal, thank you very much. Vodka gimlets make much more sense, if you ask me. So there.


Blogger Unknown said...

I will never look at a cruller the same way again! NEVER.

9:10 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Sorry 'bout that. Sometimes I share too much.

9:35 AM  
Anonymous alisa said...

It's quite a lovely duodenum.

I don't like being on heavy pain meds either. I'm too much a fan of being in the present with a clear head.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I particularly don't understand the vicodin addiction. I took one dose after my wisdom teeth were pulled and puked 7 times over the next 4 hours. Not what I would call "fun."

10:08 AM  

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