"That was before you became a miserable miser, consumed by greed." "Well, nobody's perfect"
I need some input about what to do when your 4-month-old keeps flipping onto her belly at night and then crying because she's stuck and doesn't know what to do. At first, I was impressed when Tiny H learned how to roll from back to belly, but it would have been really nice if she'd figured out how to roll the opposite way at the same time. I was up 4 times last night helping her calm down and return to her back so she could resume sleep. I'm so out of it. We have a meeting this morning, and my only hope is that I don't snore LOUDLY in the middle of it. The good news? My boss brought bagels today. One day, I look forward to drowning my fatigue in a nice, hot vat of overly sugared coffee, but while I'm nursing, complex carbohydrates will have to do.
Have you tried a sleep positioner? We had used the kind that just looks like 2 triangles on either side. Logan would wiggle himself into the end of the crib and start crying, so similary situation. The positioner helped.
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