Thursday, January 14, 2010

You should have died. You should have laid down and died.

Man, I got one of those skull-cracking, nausea-inducing, had-to-lie-down-on-the-couch-with-the-baby-propped-up-on-my-gut-because-standing-was-too-difficult headaches last night. It was so bad that I actually took a Tylenol. People, I haven't taken an over the counter drug in something like three years. That's how bad I felt. And you know what? That Tylenol made me feel better in about 30 minutes. Anytime I hear people trashing modern society, I will always point out how much worse it was back in the day when there was no Tylenol, tampons or frozen pizza. Take that, nostalgia. You lose.

And I'll also tell you that I had insomnia from about midnight until 3:30 this morning, so when Tiny H woke up at 2:30 and Lil J was up at 2, I was actually pleased to go check on them, as it gave me something to do. And I'm being completely serious. That's my life, folks.


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