Friday, January 20, 2006


A coworker just walked in, saw the striped shirt I'm wearing and told me that if I jump up and down, somebody looking at my shirt would get sick. I'm going to try to not let that hurt my feelings.

I watched The Office last night and didn't think it was as funny as last week. That show seems to be uneven. I think they need to keep things bordering on the absurd and put it some physical comedy, that's what seems to work best. Of course, I'm one of those people who laughs uproariously watching COPS, so I may not be the best judge of what's funny. My favorite COPS scene: when the officer with one leg chases down the "alleged" crack smoker and catches him. Awesome.

My big plan for the weekend is to buy some glasses. I look like a total poindexter in glasses because I am so severely nearsighted, but it really has to be done. I think it would help when I've got the insomnia to be able to see, get up, walk around and not go careening down the stairs. Your thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite Office episode: the Christmas episode with the 'yankee' present exchange or whatever they called it.

I too must get to the eye doctor and get some new glasses... I just use them for driving at night, but the ones I have don't work anymore, and I definitely need new ones... but will I ever go???

10:14 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

J's wearing a plaid shirt today and that coworker saw us standing together in the hall and made a joke about how we clash and she threw up her hands as if to shield herself from the sight of our blinding shirts. It's ok to hit someone when they do crap like that, right? That's ok, isn't it?

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sooo sorry that me and my husband don't coordinate our outfits everyday!

Let me at 'er! Let me at 'er!

I hate when people talk just to be irritating.

2:20 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I know! I stick my foot in my mouth all the time, but I at least try not to do it repeatedly to the same person about the same thing! Geesh. And I'm trying to be mature and not bring it up, but this girl has AWFUL fashion sense. It would be like Pamela Anderson critiquing someone for not looking natural enough.

3:04 PM  

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